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Becoming A Member
Who Can Join?
The Houston Association of Panamanians, Inc. is managed by a Board of Directors. You may be considered for board membership by submitting an application to the Board of Directors. We also invite anyone with an interest to become a volunteer with HAP, Inc. Volunteer membership is open, unlimited and consists of those who pledge to provide volunteer work to meet the charitable objectives of the Association.
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members receive great satisfaction in seeing the results of their efforts, which include planning and organizing activities for the community, providing scholarships to students and providing outreach to those in need. More than anything, we have a great time when we get together.
How Can You Join?
To join please contact us for more information at the below-listed telephone or e-mail address.
E-mail address: houstonpanamanians@gmail.com
Tel#.: 281-345-4536